Americans over 65 require over $18,000 worth of medical care annually, and that number can expand enormously if the patient suffers from certain chronic conditions including dementia. These often require daily observation and permanent residence in an assisted-living facility or nursing home, at an average cost of over $43,000 and

A Quick Guide to Family Financial Planning
According to a story at, just over 40 percent of American families have a household budget. While that is an improvement over a 2013 Gallup Poll that stated only 32 percent of families used one, many still have no clue where their money goes, how to save, or even

My experience between the Now and Tomorrow
Traditionally, I was not one to go on vacations or look for experiences. My idea of a good time was staying at home, playing some video games, and hanging out with my friends. Sometimes all at the same time. Only in the last few years, I started going on vacations

Beware investing online: look for the tell-tale signs of a scam!
With the internet being such an important part of most people’s lives in Canada, it’s no wonder that the concept of investing online has grown rapidly in recent times. Direct investing, ETFs, traditional mutual funds, and of course, cryptocurrencies, can all be purchased through websites, apps and a variety of

Invest and Save for your child (and yourself at the same time!)
“Will you save enough money for your child, or will they be left out in the cold?” A common question that parents ask is, “where should I put my money for my child?” The answer to this is… “it depends.” Before saving for your child, you need to make sure

Young, single, no kids, no mortgage. Do I need life insurance?
You are probably already aware: if you are married, if you have a child, or if you have a mortgage, you definitely should be getting some form of life insurance. It’s a big financial mistake not to have something in place for your loved ones to be able to carry

What RESP program do I choose?
So you’ve decided to start saving for your child’s future education. But where do you go? Chances are, you are in one of two camps: you have no idea what an RESP is, or you have no idea what company to use… OR… you know far too many companies, and

Unforseen costs of cancer and mental illness
As you probably already realize, critical illnesses can have a major impact on the emotions and finances of those diagnosed and those close to them. I myself have gone through the experience of my mother being diagnosed with colon cancer. She was a perfectly healthy woman who did everything right

The US economy is doing well, so why are my investment values going down?
I’ve been asked by many of my clients why their US-based investments have taken a dip in their values. They know the US economy is still doing well, and they haven’t heard any big breaking news, so rightly so, they want to know what’s going on? Why are your US

How should you save money for your child?
When I became a father, my life changed completely. I never knew a love like what I felt for my son was even possible. I was a person who was reluctant to even have children, now I can’t imagine my life without them! After just a few weeks of