Alan Yu
Alan Yu is a top advisor of the Wealth Seeker’s Team at Meritrust Financial, part of the top advisory team in Canada for Canada Life Sales, and part of the top team for investment loans in Canada from B2B Bank.
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It's all about you...
In today’s world of financial security, it’s easy to get bogged down with too much incomplete information that can lead to some less-than-ideal investment choices. I’m here to make sure you understand what options exist in the world of investments and insurance, and how we can use these options in an ideal configuration to turbo-charge your savings in tax-efficient ways for your financial goals and retirement.
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Are you looking for other options to help you save money for the short, medium, or long-term? Is this something you haven’t even thought about or haven’t acted on yet?
Do you know if you should be investing in mutual funds, ETFs, Segregated Funds, real estate, or just plain cash? TFSA or RRSP? Unregistered?
Do you know what leveraging is?
Let’s sit down and have a discussion on what investment strategy is right for you and make sense of all the words you may or may not have heard of.
Insured Retirement Program
Permanent life insurance with cash values and built-in guarantees of growth. The Insured Retirement Program (IRP) is a way to save money for retirement that belongs in everyone’s portfolio. Whether you are self-employed, working for a company, already have a pension plan, or need to create your own pension plan, using whole life insurance to complement your retirement savings is essential.
Save tax-free, and you may also withdraw your earnings tax-free without increasing the taxation on your other income and investments!
Life Insurance
Our life insurance pays a tax-free, cash benefit to your beneficiaries. The premiums (or cost) paid are far less than what you could have accumulated if you tried just saving cash.
There are two main types of life insurance:
-Term Life insurance that has an expiry date (ie: 10 or 20 years).
-Permanent Life insurance (lasts until you eventually pass, meaning payout is guaranteed).
Critical Illness Insurance
Critical Illness insurance pays out a tax-free, lump sum amount to use as you see fit should you become sick.
Best of all, this type of coverage can be purchased with a return of premium option. This means: if you didn’t need to use your coverage, you get all your premiums back!
Education Plans
Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) are a well-known way of saving money for your children’s future education. Essentially, you invest money, and the government matches 20% of your contributions (maximum of $7200 per child). Your investment grows tax-free while in the account until it is time for your child to access the money to pay for their education. Depending on the program you choose, you can get bonuses on top of all your contributions and growth just for sticking with the program!